March 2025 Click on any date to view details for that day. |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 Grand Lodge's Scholarship Deadline - see notes FC degree at Schofield house in Madison for Brothers of Falls #749. Work at 10:00 am MM Metamora Lodge 156 eat @ 6:00 Degree @ 7:00 |
2 |
3 Union #2 stated meeting eat @6:30 meeting @7:30 |
4 SM H’ville 7 PM Aurora Lodge #51 Stated Meeting @ 7:30 (Meal before) L'burg #4 Stated Meeting, Work @7:30pm !Canaan #581 stated meeting fellowship @6:00 meeting @6:30 Dupont #419 Stated Meeting eat 6:30 work 7:30 #7 SM, 6/7 Jeff 340 degree practice |
5 New Providence #237 Stated meetings 1st Wednesday Eat @ 6 work @7 |
6 Hanover 652 Stated Mtg - Eat @ 6; Meet at 7 PM Butlerville #219 Hopewell stated Meeting @ 7:30 Georgetown #480 Degree Practice @ 6pm |
7 Masonic Services Clarence Earl Moore Butlerville #219 Sawyer Funeral home North Vernon @7:30 pm |
8 New Providence Lodge # 237 Borden Breakfast 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM |
9 |
10 North Vernon 59 MM degree eat @ 6 work @ 7 Scottsburg #572 |
11 English #622 Lexington, IN (Stated Meeting) Eat@5:30pm Work@6:30pm Jeff 340 Stated meeting New Washington 167 Stated Meeting eat @ 6, work @ 7 |
12 |
13 Blazing Star 226 stated meeting 6pm/7pm Georgetown #480 Stated Meeting @ 6 Work at 7 Scott #120 Stated Meeting 7pm Eat @ 6pm |
14 Georgetown #480 Fellowcraft Practice 6:30pm |
15 Day Master Mason Class @ New Albany 39 Scott #120 Pork Chop Dinner 4p to 7p Public Welcome |
16 |
17 St. Patrick's Day |
18 Versailles #113 RAM SM 6/7 Georgetown #480 Fellowcraft Practice Work@ 6:30 |
19 Euchre Tournament @ Blazing Star 226. 6:00pm GL Area Conference @Clark #40, 7pm |
20 Clark 40 Stated 6:30/7:30 |
21 Georgetown #480 Fellowcraft Degree Eat @ 6 Work at 7 |
22 |
23 |
24 FC Osgood #603 - 6:00/7:00 |
25 Stated Meeting @ Milford #158 @ 7:00 p.m. |
26 westport 52 fc degree eat 6 wrk 7 in the new building west side hyw 3 |
27 MM Butlerville 219 E@6 W@7 |
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29 Clark County Past Masters Meeting 5 PM Utica Lodge #337 Social Breakfast @ H’ville 9:00 everyone welcome English #622 Lexington, IN (EA Degree) Eat@5PM / Work@6PM |
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31 EA Union #2 eat @6 work @7 (need help) |
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